Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra Regina Gloriosa & P Classicool 7:17 8 years ago 159 Далее Скачать
Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra & Patrem omnipotentem Huelgas Ensemble - Topic 12:20 36 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra Classicool 4:52 8 years ago 116 Далее Скачать
Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax (II) Huelgas Ensemble - Topic 5:32 98 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax (I) Classicool 3:04 8 years ago 105 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax (II) Classicool 5:33 8 years ago 57 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax & Patrem omnipo Classicool 10:02 8 years ago 203 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Settings of Sections of The Mass: Patrem omnipotentem (Credo) Classicool 4:36 8 years ago 176 Далее Скачать
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Motets: Regina gloriosa Classicool 3:57 8 years ago 157 Далее Скачать
Mass - December 17, 2024, at the St. Therese National Shrine with Fr. David McEvoy National Shrine and Museum of St. Therese 30:15 15 hours ago No Далее Скачать